Seminar in Honour of Prof.Fikret Kortel
Zaman: 18 Şubat 2010 Perşembe günü saat 15:00
Yer: Fikret Kortel Seminer Odası
“Fundamental Constants in Physics and their Time Dependence”
Prof. Dr. Harald FRITZSCH
In the Standard Model of Particle Physics there are 28 Fundamental constants. In the experiments these constants can be measured, but theoretically they are not understood.
Zaman: 18 Şubat 2010 Perşembe günü saat 15:00
Yer: Fikret Kortel Seminer Odası
“Fundamental Constants in Physics and their Time Dependence”
Prof. Dr. Harald FRITZSCH
Munich University
In the Standard Model of Particle Physics there are 28 Fundamental constants. In the experiments these constants can be measured, but theoretically they are not understood.
I will discuss these constants, which are mostly mass parameters. Astrophysical measurements indicate that the finestructure constant depends on time. Grand unification implies a time variation of the QCD scale. Thus the masses of the atomic nuclei and the magnetic moments of the nuclei will depend on time.